Hyaluronic Acid Injections (Gel Injections) for Knee Pain

Hyaluronic Acid Injections for Knee Pain


How Hyaluronic Acid Injections(Gel Injections) Treat Knee Pain

For years, osteoarthritis has caused a lot of pain in a lot of knees. The degenerative joint disease can become so debilitating that knee surgery often ends up recommended as the only solution. While knee surgery and full replacement can be beneficial for some, it’s a process that takes months and even years to bounce back from. On top of that, there are risks to consider with surgery and some patients are not even able to have surgery.
In the last few years, medical professionals have shifted towards using injections to help treat knee pain. The solution is not only less expensive than knee replacement, but it often provides relief without recovery time. Just how do hyaluronic acid injections work, and do they treat knee pain long-term?

A Closer Look at Hyaluronic Acid Injections

A lot of people who have osteoarthritis are dealing with a breakdown in their body’s in natural hyaluronic acid. To treat that breakdown, the same type of acid can be injected directly into the joint. That is what medical professionals do with these gel injections.
Hyaluronic acid acts as a lubricant for the knee, as well as a shock absorber used for daily functioning. People who have severe osteoarthritis can’t walk a single step without any pain. Getting an injection of fluid directly into the knee can help right away.
During each treatment, the removal of existing joint fluid makes space for what is injected into the knee area. Typically, one injection is done once a week, and depending on the severity, for a period of a few weeks in a row.

The Effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Every person reacts to hyaluronic acid injections differently, but the majority of people who go through with them notice an immediate improvement. On the very same day as the injection, pain and suffering begin fading away. There is no downtime, and people can return to their regular schedules right after the appointment.

After the initial treatment, results can last for several months, or up to a year. At that point, it’s time to either get another set of treatment or explore other options if the injections didn’t provide the relief one is seeking.

Potential Side Effects

Every medical treatment out there has a few side effects for people to look out for. Hyaluronic acid injections have very mild side effects, and a low chance of them occurring. Side effects after therapy may include bleeding, blistering, itching, muscle pain, nausea, and headache.

If people do you experience any side effects, they are most likely occurring during the first treatment session. After that, the body knows what to expect, and the side effect risks fade away.

Injections vs. Knee Replacement Surgery

Injections are often looked at as the first option when treating osteoarthritis and consistent knee pain in general. While a knee replacement is effective, most people want to avoid going under the knife and experience such a long recovery if possible. In some ways, injections are the same or even more effective than surgery, specifically if people seek treatment for pain early on.

There is a much higher risk of complications with knee replacement surgery compared to injections. There is also no guarantee that knee replacements will stay in great working order for the rest of a person’s life. There are many cases where people constantly are forced to go back for additional pain relief after going through the surgery. Some who went under the knife for surgery years ago are now needing hyaluronic acid injections to live with the current pain.

Covered by Most Insurance

Finally, not every insurance company covers all the different types of injections. In the past, people have had trouble receiving approval, but insurance usually covers at least two HA injections per year. It fights against inflammation, while also restoring the natural property of fluid in the knee. Insurance companies understand its effectiveness for serious health issues.

Hyaluronic Acid (Gel) Injections for Knee Pain

Since the entire process involves replenishing the knees with fluid the body naturally relies on, this is a very natural, straightforward treatment that is a viable option worth considering.

Alternatives to surgery are as popular as ever. People enjoy saving time and money while improving their health. With more and more medical professionals and patients embracing this treatment, hyaluronic acid injections are in as high demand as ever.

The first step in determining if you are a candidate for this treatment is to schedule a patient consultation with our medical team.

At Renew Medical Centers, hyaluronic acid (gel) injections are one of the many non-surgical options our medical team considers when determining and recommending what might be a good treatment for a patient with knee pain.

Schedule your patient consultation with one of our doctors at Renew Medical Centers and determine if you are a candidate.

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